3 Examples of my work
Jenny Lewisohn
Jenny provided me with her own designs which gave me a great head start on building this site. It has all the qualities of a musician’s site that I like (and I can’t take credit for this one!). A minimal and elegant design with simple navigation, great photographs, a lovely palette that ties in neatly with the key colours in the images. I liked the colours so much I’ve borrowed one for this site!
Prach Boondiskulchok
Prach provided me with some initial design ideas. Together we worked them up into this simple and stylish website. I’ve optimised the site for performance by ‘coding’ directly in HTML (yes, it’s a fully static HTML site) and this loading speed surpasses any similar site I’ve built before despite it being hosted on a low performance hosting service (not mine!).
Catherine Manson (London Haydn Quartet) commissioned me to build this resource for the renowned MusicWorks chamber music courses in 2013. We initially built the site using a prepaid WordPress theme. It was an inexpensive starting point to get a good looking site up and running quickly. Problems started creeping in after five years when the theme’s code fell out of date. I rebuilt the site from the ground up, keeping the original style and updating to meet the current day’s standards.